« Gepost op: 08 Jan 2011, 10:42:13 » |
Man has always loved the game, because games are hidden in various scenarios the main ways to create beings of existence. As regatta between life and death, every game is a way of initiation through symbolic reconstruction of the great trials of life or a part of it. The game was born before man, say the great creators of the world, because it took a game called metaphorically "wedding" that turn into increatul created. Beginnings man called "play" all the rituals that we could put you in touch with the sacred. So they came, the Greeks and the Romans, the great public games dedicated to the tutelary gods of the cities. Even the game of football seems to illustrate a myth suggestive: disputarea globe sun by two rival brothers. Since antiquity it was discovered that the art looks like the game, any creative image imitating the world. Art does not just change, but building another world through play. In the space of pure ideas, and monopolizing the game instapaneste being. No matter which of the categories listed in Roger Caillois' game and people "would fit (games, competitions, mock, vertigo or luck), all human-powered scenarios playful love are forced to follow a pattern. They must be conducted in a set number, to reproduce real life, to associate the notions of totality, the rule and freedom. The game is a whole universe, in which each must, opportunities and risks, to find its place. To make it faster and easier, man has used his entire arsenal of imaginative and emotional. Psychological Analysis of the game saw a variety transfer of psychic energy, whether it is changing between two players, or to transmit life objects (dolls, kites, trains). Children are most successful because of spontaneity, to define the game and find his place in the world. They freely enter into dialogue with the unseen and unconscious metamorphosis commit. For example, they can change the real world paradise, if we look through his eyes Nica from Humulesti or self-metamorphosis can turn into different characters: "... closing the eyes, open Danut Turbinca Ivan ... Danut or Sultan's care: he has to do it! [...] Sultan sits on a throne of gold [...] Harapii one grabbed the Olguta. Olguta crooked and kicking the Sultan. So! Welcome! ... ... Olguta Moor pick ax is scared ... I have to defend anyone but her brother-NTR Danut ... And indeed, leading an army, as Michael the Brave, Danut comes [...] and get rid of the death Olguta and Monica "(John Teodoreanu -" La Medeleni) By mistake, but a child may assume inappropriate roles and age. Barbu Ion's hero of the poem, "After the snails' wants to be a shaman (witch) and, therefore, utters a spell. The word magic manages to pull out of the shell, in the middle of winter, a snail. The cold, it dies and the child remains with the feeling of guilt. It is true that after such a child experiences any sudden mature. He understands in a moment that the game is made for those beginners that if not follow the rules, it can harm those around them and thus to himself. But it's worth, in the name of initiation, a sacrifice?